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The Presiding Bishop's Homily at Grace, Newark

The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church since 2006 and the first woman primate in the world-wide Anglican Communion, visited Grace Church in Newark on May 31, 2015. In her homily at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, shown in this video, she spoke of the importance of community in addressing the pain and violence in our world:

"Christians understand God's nature as a community – three persons in one being. ... We are connected like the members of the Trinity. So intimately and thoroughly that we cannot be parted, even by death. Yet how often do we really recognize it, or live as though it's true? We were created in community, for community, in spite of the death and violence around us. Believing that we are gathered into God and one another as our ultimate reality – that's what it means to love God with all we are and all we have, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we give our hearts to that, we begin to discover that love WILL have the final word - not violence, not death."

Video by Peter Kolonia. Time: 12:20.