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We're here! The Newark contingent arrives, registers and gets ready (with photos)

Joseph Harmon and John Mennell

The Diocese of Newark contingent has been arriving in Salt Lake City yesterday and today for the 78th General Convention. Today we've been getting registered, finding our way around the convention complex as well as downtown Salt Lake CIty, and generally preparing for the 10 days ahead.

Surrounded by the Wasatch and Oquirrh mountains, Salt Lake City itself is very flat and very walkable – although it's also very hot. We're having unseasonably high temperatures in the high 90s, expected to go over 100 later in the week – just in time for the anti-gun violence march on Sunday.

As part of my preparation for supporting the communications efforts for the Bishop and Deputation, I attended a media briefing with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings, General Convention Executive Officer the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe and Public Affairs Officer Neva Rae Fox. According to Canon Barlowe, "This will be the most digitally oriented General Convention we've ever had." And in fact earlier today I had photographed two of our Deputies showing off their assigned iPads for use during General Convention.

Check out the photo gallery below for more photos and stories from today.These photos were taken by myself, the Rev. Diana Wilcox and the Rev. Cynthia Black.

Nina Nicholson
Director of Communications & Technology

Photo Gallery

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