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Death in our diocesan family: The Rev. Frederick Phillip Duncanson

The Rev. Frederick Phillip Duncanson

With sadness we share the news of the passing of the Rev. Frederick Phillip Duncanson, M.D., age 62, on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, after being diagnosed with terminal cancer just a day before his death. A Requiem Service will be held at St. Michael’s Church, 1219 Ratzer Road, Wayne, NJ on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 12 noon, followed by burial in Brick Church Cemetery located at 221 Brick Church Road, Spring Valley, NY.

Fred had been an Assisting Priest at St. Michael’s, Wayne since 1996, where he served as the Chaplain for Healing and had a healing ministry. He was also a Chaplain with the Order of St. Luke the Physician and was the convener of the Northern New Jersey chapter of OSL.

Ordained priest in the Diocese of New York, he was in his 27th year of ordination. He was canonically resident in the Diocese of New York and was licensed to function as priest in the Diocese of Newark.

Fred practiced medicine for four consecutive years, and during that time worked with AIDS patients in Boston and at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan.

He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Rita Duncanson. He was preceded in death by his wife Jeanne and his father Frederick Julian Duncanson.

Condolences may be sent to his mother at 6 Long Meadow Drive, Airmont, NY 10952-4909.

Good and gracious God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, you sent your servant Fred to be a priest in your Church to feed your sheep with your word and to guide them by his example; give us the grace to keep the faith he taught and to follow in his footsteps. We entrust him into your unfailing mystery of Love and Hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.