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Ward J. Herbert grant application

To initiate a Ward J. Herbert grant application, please fill out and submit this form.

NOTE: Each church may submit ONE request per grant cycle.

The person designated as the Clergy/Warden in charge will receive an email with further instructions and two links:

  • a link to a downloadable Excel spreadsheet with worksheets that must be completed;
  • a link to a Dropbox to upload the spreadsheet plus any supporting materials.
    IMPORTANT: So that we can match the uploaded receipts to your application, please include the Submission ID # given in your email and your church name and town in each receipt's file name. For example:
    [Submission ID #]-StSwithins-Swamp-1.pdf
    [Submission ID #]-StSwithins-Swamp-2.pdf

If you don’t see this email in your inbox, check your spam filter for an email from episcopalhouse @

(Note: If you have to select "other" from the drop down, your project MAY be out of scope)
(Up to 50% of eligible project costs)

Note: The large text boxes accept more text than the box indicates – simply keep typing. Once the box size is exceeded, a scroll bar will appear on the right side.